Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Is this a midlife crisis?

I haven't posted in a while.  That is because I haven't really had anything interesting to say.  I still don't have anything interesting to say.  I just need to vent.

I'm now 31 years old.  I don't really have anything to show for my life.  A few meaningless awards.  Music.  Sports cards.  All shit really.  I've tried to fill my empty life up with that crap.  I hoped that those thing would distract me from the void.

I want to have a kid but I'm not sure if I really want to or if I just thimk it would make my life more interesting.  The latter isn't a valid reason to have a child, but plenty do it for that reason.

Much like my favorite anti-hero, Pippin, I feel that there has to be more to life than what I've seen.  I'm not looking for religion or a job or anything like that.  There is so much more I want to do, but I feel like I've lost too much time already.

If it is a midlife crisis,  it started early.  I've felt this way since I was in my early 20s.  It is always worse around my birthday, though.  ...and I'm sure what happened in the past year or so made this feeling even worse.

I also can't let go of the past which I am sure is part of the entire thing.

Amazingly enough I typed thing whole thing on my phone.