Once again, someone has stolen my info and pictures on Facebook with the intention of impersonating me.
Because of this, I have decided to make all of my information and future posts there for friends only.
I'm sorry, but that is just the way it has to be.
HOWEVER, I've received some messages saying that people enjoy reading my posts on Facebook, so with that in mind I am going to cross post some of the more interesting ones to this blog starting today...
TL;DR version - This quiz says I am not that privileged, but I think I
am more privileged than they say. At the same time there is one are
where they really missed the boat on talking about and it would have
changed my score significantly. My score was 49/100.
LONGGGGGGG version -
Interesting quiz, but I have a lot of issues with it. I have no doubt
that I am very privileged, but the quiz fails to execute properly in
several areas.
--I've been mocked because I have a very slight
New Jersey accent. I say things like "bolth" and "wudder," but other
than that it isn't really noticeable. Yes it annoys me when people call
me out on it, but I'm not really sure what that has to do with
--I have been called "honky" before and I've been
called "dago," "wop," and "guinea" because of my Italian heritage so I
couldn't say that I had never been called a racial slur which kind of
goes against what that part of the quiz is trying to prove.
--People have asked to touch my hair numerous times. I don't really
even understand this question. Again, I think the quiz author expected
someone like me to answer that no one has ever asked to touch my hair,
but that is not the case so...?
--I've been called a fag even
though I'm not gay. I've been called other derogatory slurs for
homosexuals, too. Lots of people think I'm gay, though, so maybe that
is why.
--I'm not always comfortable with PDAs in public even though I am straight.
--I have had to pretend to be "just friends" with a significant other,
but for reasons that don't have anything to do with the quiz.
--I've been told that my being straight is just a phase, but that wasn't really the point of this question.
--I have been denied opportunities because I'm a man.
--I have no idea if I would make more money than my counterparts of a
different gender because although I have applied for jobs in the past, I
have never been hired even though I was as qualified or more qualified
than other applicants. (This has to do with disability discrimination
which this quiz BARELY touches on.)
--I'm sure it happens to women way more often, but I have been catcalled in the past so I couldn't check the box for that one.
--Again, I'm sure it happens to women a lot more often, but I have been sexually harassed and assaulted.
--I don't have a salaried job because (AGAIN) I've applied for and been
denied jobs in the past even though I was qualified...and I'm a
man...and I'm white. Hmm, something about that physical disability that
this quiz devotes ONLY ONE question to.
--I've gone to bed
hungry before, but not because I couldn't afford food, so this question
is another one that could have been worded better.
--I do not buy
new clothes at least once a month. WTF?! It isn't because I'm poor,
though. It is because I'm cheap and I don't really care about clothing.
Just seems like a waste of money to me. (Sorry to those out there
that love clothing!)
--I didn't go to a private school, but not because money was an issue. I WANTED to go to the local public schools.
--I didn't go to an "elite" college, but again it wasn't because of money. I just didn't want to go to one of those schools.
--My parents paid zero dollars towards my tuition, but again this
question is misleading. It isn't because they're not rich (although
they aren't). It is because when the settlement happened after my
injury, money was set aside for me to go to college (with the assumption
that I would go to college which is privilege in and of itself, I
--I haven't always had cable, but again it wasn't because
of money. I grew up in Bumblefuck, New Jersey and cable wasn't even
available there until I was almost out of high school.
--I don't travel internationally once a year, but it has less to do with money and more to do with accessibility.
--I did not study abroad, but again it had nothing to do with money.
--I never spent a Spring Break abroad and I only even went on Spring Break once and it was with family.
--I was mocked relentlessly when I was younger (even by some family
members) because I didn't eat a lot. ...or enough. ...or what people
expected. ...or whatever. I don't know. I had a wonky stomach when I
was a kid. I even get crap about being too skinny now.
the neck up I think I'm a 10. The rest I'd put at a 2 or 3. This is
another one that has to do with the disability, though.
--I've never used prescription drugs recreationally, but I'm not sure if that makes me more or less privileged.
--I have been shamed for my religious beliefs.
--I can't say that all of my jobs have accommodated my religious
beliefs because - THAT'S RIGHT, I've applied for jobs, but never been
hired even though I was qualified... disability, blah blah blah.
--People have tried to "save" me because of my religious beliefs, but not for the reason that this quiz assumes.
--The other questions I'm okay with, but I have to reiterate that it is
ludicrous that the quiz only had ONE question about physical
disabilities, but it had 8+ for racial issues, 12+ for sexual
orientation, 10+ for gender issues, 30+ (maybe more?) for financial
issues, and 5+ having to do with religion.
ONE question about physical disabilities.
ONE question about social disabilities.
ONE question about learning disabilities.
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